3D Profiler System
3D profiler system for shallow water microprofiling studies. The 3D profiler is a system for deep sea water field measurements of microprofiles of for example O2, pH, H2S, N2O, H2,. The profiler can be submerged to a depth of 6000 m and runs completely autonomously.
•Rack made from AISI 316 stainless steel
•Programmable movement in three axis
•Resolution: 0,05 mm (0,025 mm on request)
•3 motors having separate units for pressure balancing
•Completely automated profiling measurements of up to eight different analytes
•Water deployment down to 6000 m depth
•Unisense In Situ Amplifier and Connector System for easy handling
•Powerful Unisense Field DataLogger
•System programming via easy and intuitive PC software interface
•Robust and accurate motor systems for 3D profiling
•Workshop and training at Unisense